Name: Deliver Groceries
Location: Anywhere
Rank: D
Team: No
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 500 exp and 500 Ryo
Description: A woman is lying sick in bed, but still needs to do her grocery shopping! She has already placed the order, but she needs you to go across town to pick it up for her! Return it all in one piece or you'll be responsible for replacing it.
Third Delivery
The next woman was rather young to be bedridden, but Gekkido asked no questions. She was rather wealthy also as he was sent to the more expensive market in town. Not allowing himself to be impressed, he went inside and waited patiently in line to pick up her order. He remembered painting walls with the wealthy man who had instructed him as to the mentalities necessary for building wealth. Information changes situations; and it also changes perceptions. As a child Gekkido would be terrified of coming into a place of such wealth and plenty. After receiving the mentoring he had, he felt like he belonged. Like one day he could own or even create a place like this, and thus was not at all intimidated. He proudly picked up the bed ridden woman’s order and brought it back to her promptly, wasting no time. He left now, on to his next client who was surely going no where since she was also bedridden.