Name: Deliver Groceries
Location: Anywhere
Rank: D
Team: No
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 500 exp and 500 Ryo
Description: A woman is lying sick in bed, but still needs to do her grocery shopping! She has already placed the order, but she needs you to go across town to pick it up for her! Return it all in one piece or you'll be responsible for replacing it.
Fourth Delivery
The last and final delivery for Gekkido of dumb groceries, for they felt dumb to be picking up at this time of night. He’d been making deliveries all day and was ready to head back to his small cabin in the woods and plot and scheme with his comrade. He’d need to pick up some groceries for himself after this so believe me he was not looking forward to standing in line for three hours. More than anything, Gekkido wanted to move on from this stage of life. This stage where he had to work constantly just to be able to live and prepare for his plans of the future. Soon he would have enough to no longer have to do these missions and he would indeed be off to the races. Gekkido recognized what an amazing opportunity it was for him to be alive and be thinking the way he was, and some of his thoughts got him often carried away. He waited patiently in line, for he was the last in line to pick up an order. Hurried, and I mean hurried his way back to his last client’s place. He dropped off the groceries and sprinted out of her neighborhood before her daughter, who was taking care of her, could notice or say anything.