With his pen in hand, he placed the tip of the mighty weapon and proceeded to write a letter to the Hokage about the trip he got to experience with Kyo in the land of Iron. Considering he was a man who usually had few words to speak until it was deemed necessary, the blonde would use this method to explain his works with his partner in great detail.
"Dear Hokage,
It's me, Hibiya Ayano. My partner and I returned back from Shimogakure with our hands empty. The sales went through successfully and we faced no retaliation in the process. There are a lit of things to explain in this, so I ask for a good minute of your time, if you possess the time of course. But the culture is something I have a huge interest in, so I will attempt to get these words through your eyes anyways."
He stopped for a moment to think about where he should start with this letter. The Ayano noticed his right wrist covered in soft white cloth that wrapped gently around his body. Perhaps it could assist him with the letter, at least as a starter as some ideas flowed from his mind. And so the story continues.